Most companies in the World have detailed leave policies, which are normally put up on their leave management systems, allowing every employee to review relevant information whenever the need arises. One of the many details which are part of a company’s leave policy are each employee’s leave entitlements. What are leave entitlements?

Well, employees at different levels within the country have different leave entitlements. This could translate in different ways ranging from increased paid leave days to greater variety in their leave types. Leave types such as sabbaticals or unlimited leave days are some things which are normally only reserved for employees who are above a certain standard at a company. While a leave management system helps in ensuring that there is no confusion regarding each employee’s leave entitlement, while there are several pros associated with such a practice, there are several cons as well.

Benefits of Leave Monitoring System

Attracts potential hires

Employee leave is naturally considered a benefit, and when employees are set to join a new company, they review the ultimate benefits they are receiving to determine if their value is being realized. When employees are being inducted for a position of authority, they naturally have greater expertise and experience- making them more difficult to attract. This is where their leave packages come in and by adding to their leave benefits, you increase the chances of your desired individual joining the company.

Offers adequate rejuvenation for every employee

Naturally, when someone is working at a higher level than other employees, there are greater work responsibilities, along with an increased level of stress which is being faced by that individual. This only makes it prudent to offer them a greater degree of leave, in comparison to others which allows them the time to rejuvenate sufficiently and thus come back to work with their energy levels high.

Ensures employee satisfaction

When an employee is putting in more effort than another employee, the former will always find it unfair if they are receiving the same leave benefits. This is where creating leave types comes in. When employees are being given leave according to the amount of work that they are putting in at the company, they will realize that they are being valued- thus ensuring employee satisfaction at every level.

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Disadvantages of Leave Monitoring System

Some employees may feel they are being treated unfairly

When different leave types are created, there is obviously a minority of the employees who feel that they deserve to be in another leave type. This can happen specially when the positions of authority are similar or close to each other. Some employees may even feel discriminated against, which is obviously something which you don’t want.


The best way to deal with such a situation is to always try and be fair, ensuring that there are regular evaluations and tracking done which will tell you if employees are getting enough time off- facilitated through a leave management system. Another way of removing such feelings is to always ask for your employees’ opinion and to create a system where employees don’t hesitate before speaking to their managers, allowing you to deal with such problems without undue delay.

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